Fuck you. Fuck your life, your accomplishments, your morals, your sacrifice, your hard work, your contributions, your beliefs, your family and everything else about you. Why? Because you are a REAL man.
That is the message, the narrative, being pushed on men today. Real men of all races, Black, White and Brown, of all ages and from all different types of backgrounds are labeled “Toxic Males”. As a result you, your father, brothers, sons and friends need to be punished, marginalized, discriminated against and attacked in the name of patriarchy, sexism, misogyny and equality. The delusional drains on any society are desperately trying to strip your rights as free men, the rights which many fought for and defended. You are who they fear and yet when the shit hits the fan you are also who they will try to hide behind for protection.
One of the first rights that they are trying to eliminate is your Freedom of Speech. Nearly every media outlet or social media site has waged war on a Real Man’s Freedom of Speech because Freedom of Speech is the most powerful weapon that you have in the war for your mind.
And then along came MALEBOMB.
Malebomb is the only website on the entire internet that doesn’t give two fucks about anyone’s feelings, fucked up mentality, politically correct bullshit, and anti-American agenda. The only site that says that MaleBomb will talk about anything it wants to, in any way it wants to, whenever it wants to. It doesn't look over it's shoulder to see who might be listening because it shouts this shit. No permission, no censorship, absolutely no apologies and fuck their feelings.
MALEBOMB is not a “Safe Space” from the internet censorship. MALEBOMB is the “Fuck You” to the internet censorship. Nothing is out of bounds here. No topic is too sensitive. Truth is not racist, sexist or discriminatory. It is a guide between what is, and what can be.
MALEBOMB is a mixture of all things pertaining to the interest of REAL men. It is a meeting place of like-minded people like you to come together and talk about issues of any kind that are worth discussing. It is the topics that affect you daily. The things you want to hear and the things that you need to hear. Things that you want to say and things that need to be said.
MaleBomb is humor, news, entertainment, interesting, fascinating, comforting, and addicting without being censored. But the underlining theme is that it is what makes better men, husbands, boyfriends, fathers, and friends.
MALEBOMB.com is your Road House along the Information Highway. It’s success is reliant on your support, sharing and submissions. As MaleBomb grows so does it's ability to continually address the serious issues that men like you are facing today. It is encouragement, strength, laughter, camaraderie, bonding, fighting, joking, building, defending, and supporting one another.
GET READY FOR ONE HELL OF A RIDE. Come inside and take the free tour. See for yourself why MALEBOMB will be your daily destination. Or do you need your woman's permission first?
Some Content may be inappropriate for viewers under the age of 18. You must be 18 years old to enter.
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