How do you like being hated? How do you like hating? Are you tired of it? America seems to have become a country obsessed with hating one another. At least that is what the media wants you to believe because driving a wedge between each other increases their viewership. There is no doubt that hate has become an ever-growing presence in our society. Colleges and Universities not only teach it, but they reward it, promote it, and enable it. But so does the media, late-night talk shows, politicians, and celebrities.
There was a time in the not so far distant past in which we refrained from hating one another. We even taught our kids that even saying that they “Hated” someone was a no-no. Now hate is being taught at home. It is no longer appropriate to dislike, oppose, or disagree with one another. We must make the leap straight to hate. No discussion, no tolerance, no respect, no consideration for one another’s beliefs, race, sex, religion, or actions. If it is something that we disapprove of then we must hate the person involved.
Hate isn’t just tearing our country apart, it is destroying our families and friendships. People are so embedded in their personal beliefs that if you don’t agree with them, they hate you. They have no qualm about screaming for your death, literally. Social media is full of tens of thousands of stories about family members writing each other off permanently, life long friends “unfriending” each other, people losing their jobs, and being assaulted because of a disagreement mainly due to politics.
How did we get here? More importantly, how do we escape from here? There has never been a successful contribution to the world using the approach of hate except, to the believer, that of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It was because he was hated that he was crucified thus giving the gift of eternal life. The gift of eternal life wasn’t for one similar group. It was for everyone even with their differences because that is how he made us.
Religious belief aside, when did it become acceptable to hate one another and why did we let that cancer infect our society? Time and again we hear the masses, shout, march, and demonstrate on the platform to Stop the Hate, Love One Another, Tolerance, Acceptance, etc but often find those very same people exercising their ability and willingness to hate.
All because someone doesn’t agree with what we think or do?
America has a dark past of hate when it comes to race. The Irish were hated, the Italians were hated, the American Indians were hated, the Chinese were hated, and the African Americans received the most hate directed towards them. And then a wonderful and courageous man named Martin Luther King, Jr. appeared. He didn’t march on the platform of hate of one another, he marched on the message of love for one another. We lost this man, this direct gift from God, far, far, to soon because of hate. But we didn’t lose his message and his teachings, we just didn’t care enough to embrace them, teach them, and live by them.
America is a special place. No matter where you go in the world you will never find a better place. The narrative is that America is a very racist country. The fact is that America is the most racially tolerant of all countries. As a world traveler, I can attest to this first hand. Countries are very proud of their heritage, their history, and although they may be friendly, they are also very guarded. Countries are known to murder people, tourists, refugees, and citizens simply because of their race, religious beliefs, or political affiliation. Dig deep enough and you would be very hard-pressed to find a country that didn’t engage in such atrocities somewhere in their past and probably not so long ago. This is typically done in Socialist and Communist countries but is now being embraced by politicians and citizens of the freest country in the world, America. When it appeared that we were making positive strides towards ending racism, discrimination, injustice, and inequality we see people including politicians, celebrities, professors, athletes, judges, lawyers, government agencies, public figures, and citizens calling for the murder of each other, the prosecution of each other, the persecution of each other and the segregation from one another because of political party affiliation. Yes, when you forget your history you do repeat it.
Being different from one another is a benefit to one another. The greatest achievements man has ever accomplished he did so by being different from one another and utilizing that as a building block to success. When NASA decided to put a man on the moon, it was different minds of their engineers, different ways of thinking, that came together with one goal in mind. Regardless of their differences, the one similarity that they had was their common belief that they were going to achieve success. Having different thoughts gives you an advantage. It allows you to see a problem, and a solution, from many different angles. Nobody can think of everything alone. No one person could have made the moon landing a success. Neither could have a group of like-minded thinkers.
Imagine if all women were the exact same. There were no differences. Boring! Do you know why you married your wife? Because there was something about her that you loved that was different than all the other women that you had dated. (Or because one of you was drunk and the other was lonely.) Your children are different. Do you love one and not the other? Do you know why restaurants have menus? Something different. Options, choices. We don’t go to buffets because all of the food at each serving station is the exact same. A Ferrari is different than a Lamborghini, but we like them both. A hundred million dollars is different than a billion dollars, but we like them both. The right boob is different than the left boob, but we love them both.
Sports teams are successful because each player is different from one another. Different positions require a different size, strength, agility, capability, and so on. Joe Montana did not win four Super Bowls alone. He needed his teammates, each different from one another. Despite their differences, they came together as a team, unified in one goal and a common belief that, not DESPITE their differences they could win, but BECAUSE of their differences, they would win.
It doesn’t do the nation any good when media outlets attack politicians and their supporters. It does nobody any good when media outlets create the narrative that ALL COPS HATE ALL BLACK PEOPLE. It doesn’t do the nation any good when late-night talk show hosts engage in the same destructive assault and then excuse it in the name of humor. Since when is hate funny? And then you have politicians excuse the act of someone being physically assaulted for their political beliefs. Both sides of the same snake have blood on their hands.
MALEBOMB was largely created specifically for that reason, to end the hate. It seems nobody in the spotlight wants to take the forefront and lead the way in helping people love, respect, and care for one another again. Our “Share the Love” slogan spread across the website is a constant reminder that hate has no place here. Ever.
Although we are more alike than we are different from one another, the secret to getting along is not to dismiss our differences and focus on our similarities, it is to bond through our similarities and learn from our differences. To have a professor only teach you one side of the coin is not education, it is indoctrination. This is the teaching tactics of someone who is afraid of their own belief. They are afraid to be proven wrong. Their mind is not open or capable of exploration and discovery. They are close-minded to change, compromise, and the ability to agree to disagree. They are rooted in their beliefs and teach accordingly. This does their students an incredible disservice. You are smart. You have understanding and reasoning capabilities. Don’t ever let someone tell you what to believe. You owe it to yourself to study the subject matter from all sides which is only possible while utilizing people with all different points of view based on experience. Once that is done only then can you make up YOUR mind on what you should believe.
It is dangerous to lecture on how great Socialism and Communism is if you yourself have not lived under such restrictive rules and laws. If you yourself have not experienced the depression, poverty, fear, and barriers that are experienced as a way of life by ALL citizens of EVERY Socialist or Communist country throughout ALL of history then you don’t really know what you are advocating for. If you don’t ask people who are currently forced to live under it or fled from it, about the dangers of it, then you are hiding from the truth of it. I had a member of my family escape a concentration camp during Hitler’s rule of Germany. I learned so much from his experience that wasn’t taught by any teacher, professor, or history book. In fact, pre-internet, my History teacher gave me almost a failing grade when I submitted a report on the subject. He noted that my “source” was wrong. Imagine his surprise when my “source” walked into the classroom with tattooed numbers on his forearm.
When America entered World War 2, we had two enemies that we were fighting. Do you know what they had in common? They both believed in exterminating, killing, conquering anyone, not like themselves. Under Hitler, the Germans were obsessed with “The Aryan Race”. Likewise, the Japanese were fighting their race as the dominant one. Although that was a huge mistake on both their parts it wasn’t their biggest one. Fucking with a nation of MIXED /DIFFERENT races was. Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, and American Indians of all different beliefs, religions, backgrounds and social status’ CAME TOGETHER to stop the spread of Socialism and Communism by three countries set on world domination (Italy being the 3rd). Despite America’s many differences in it’s soldiers, they fought with ONE belief, that the world, and America remain free.
On the side of the White soldiers were the bravery, support, intelligence, courage, and fighting spirit of over 1 million African American Men AND WOMEN soldiers, some who were pilots that made up the bulk of the famed Tuskegee Airmen. 25,000 American Indian soldiers and Code Talkers played an extremely vital part in America winning the war and nearly 500,000 Hispanic soldiers bravely answered the call to fight for what they believed in. 33,000 Japanese Americans also fought against their home country on behalf of American freedom.
What more of an example do you need on the importance and benefit of embracing each other because of our differences?
My greatest teachers were people different than me. The greatest life lessons that I ever learned were from people different than me. My best friends are people different than me. Yet despite our differences, we have one thing in common. A goal, a success. And that is that we will always respect each other’s differences. We use them to build a stronger bond with each other. A foundation that will stand the test of time. We all would have missed out on so many great experiences and memories if we had given in to hating each other for any reason. We would have been victims to our own ignorant actions.
“You never know enough about someone to make an accurate assessment about them”. I don’t know who originally said that but I have always remembered it and used it to guide me when meeting other people. I don’t know what life experiences they have lived through to lead them to who they are today. Therefore, I have no justification to hate someone as a result. Is that young girl selling herself because she wants to or was she sexually assaulted repeatedly while living at home and felt that running away was the only way that she was going to escape the ordeal? And now ironically she needs to sell herself to stay alive. Should I hate her because she is a prostitute? Is the meth head on the street addicted to drugs by choice or by his mother’s choice? I don’t know. Should he be hated anyway? Is that an innocent man who was once behind bars and now lives homeless because he can’t get a job due to his record? Would it be fair to hate him? Should I hate someone simply because they were born White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc? Should I hate because someone is gay, lesbian, trans, Christian, Atheist, Republican, Democrat, Liberal or Conservative?
A house divided cannot stand. Nowhere in history has a country with so much diversity lasted longer than 200 years. Yet here we are just past that time. Is this our time to collapse? Is this the time that we show the world that America’s freedom for all was just a science experiment gone wrong? Is this where we go down in history as the American Dream in reality was a nightmare? No one side of hate is going to gain and keep total domination over the other. It never has and it never will. Just ask Hitler and Mussolini how it all worked out for them. Everyone loses in the end. Everyone. No exceptions. No discrimination. Everyone. Are you OK with putting your country, yourself, and your family through that?
The MALEBOMB message is simple. Life is short. We are all riding on this crazy planet together and none of us are getting off alive. Let’s spend the remaining time that we have together loving and caring for one another. Is that too much to ask? If you have the ability to hate someone for these reasons then we ask you to skip joining MALEBOMB. Hate is not our platform. Go join a political party. Hate for one another only kills yourself. Deep down that hate is slowly but steadily killing you. It is no different than drugs or alcohol. It is harmful, it is poison, it is deadly to the one it consumes.
So how do we escape it? Simple. Do not support or elect any politician who will not disavow hate on both sides of the political aisle, especially their own. Do not buy the tickets to athletic games that will not disavow and separate from the sponsorship of countries involved in the persecution of any of its citizens for any reason. Do not buy the albums of musicians who condone hate in their music or record labels/recording companies who cancel their musicians because they don’t agree with their political views. Stop attending colleges and universities that preach tolerance, inclusion, and acceptance but then ban the presence of those with a difference of opinion. Stop listening or watching the fake news that is hellbent on dividing us as a country for the sake of viewership and stop shopping at stores that refuse to sell the items of those that have a different belief from theirs. ALL of the above only understand one thing when it comes down to it. Money. Hurt their bottom line profits and they will become accepting and tolerant very quickly, or go out of business. Either way, it is a win-win for you and me.
MALEBOMB is the PROUD Ambassador of love, respect, kindness, and thoughtfulness for each other. We make fun of each other’s differences in fun. It is our way of lessening the tension and destruction that hate demands. Let us laugh at each other, let us laugh at ourselves and above all, let us laugh with each other.
Love, Care, and Cherish one another. God Bless,